Art in the Rain

We got about an hour into our art event today.  Then “boom” giant thunderstorm came 4 hours early! All the covered spots were taken so we hurriedly packed the art supplies to save them. 

It was exhilarating, tiring,  fun,  and sad all at the same time! But God got us home and nothing was ruined. We got three more art pieces started, leaving 7 pieces we need to finish.  So more to come on those.

Here are the pictures i got today.  Hopefully we will have better weather in two weeks.  We trust he had better reasons above our art for the rain 😁.







Blessings and love,

Prayer In A Painting

So is been a long time since i had a piece to show.  I have a very important  licensing test that I have been studying for for the last three months.

Tonight I painted. I needed to like needing to breath.  This one is very personal. Ive had a rough week and this is the first time I truly feel like I put in a big piece of Gods spiritual battle in this situation. Painting can be prayer. It’s really the only way I know how to pray for a long time.  This one truly is!

This is a painting for someone important  in my life. While trying to honor the wishes to keep it more private, all i can say is this was a really hard week for a lot of us. I took a break from studying to paint this picture I saw in prayer for her.


There is a storm hitting her shore but God is her lighthouse. It shines out to show He sent an angle out to battle with her.  The stain glass sky of Angels represent all of us out there supporting her in prayer and encouragment.

I realy hope it blesses her.  I poured my heart into it 🙂




He Ends the Long Silence

So we have had a more quiet season. Plus we moved. But really God was telling me to hold off on posting and wait. I had to listen and be obedient. So now I’m doing it! The photos are below. I’ll post another one here shortly with my newest painting!










Puzzle Pieces

I made a painting tonight for a girl I meet through work. My company’s owner (He doesn’t like being called “boss” 😉 ) is from Sri Lanka, India. When he visited earlier this year a friend from his high school asked if his daughter could get a summer internship at our company.

She has been working here for 2.5 months learning marketing, accounting, and surveying. Today at our lunch bible study she mentioned she’s going into her second year in college in Boston and isn’t sure exactly what she wants to fully pursue yet.

This triggered me to paint her this.




It’s God putting all the pieces of her life together in a beautiful master piece. In the center it says purpose.

This is one of my favourite pieces I’ve made. I really enjoy these layering paintings I do.

I hope this story and painting encourage your all. We all have a divine purpose in our lives! Never give up on God’s plans for your life!!!


Art At the Farmers Market

So this weekend we set up at a tree at the farmers market. We had a lot of people watching us but it was great. One older man shared his art with us as well. He was really into it but didn’t want to do art with us in front of everyone.

Here are some of our photos:


This little man did some color pencils with us for a bit. He wants to be and art teacher when he grows up 🙂


My handsome husband at work.


My man creates amazing things with God!!!



These were mine. The first one I left at the tree for someone to find. On the back it says for the glory of the Lord is my strength!

The other was for a friend. It says atomic love! It’s God throwing His colors and gifts on the dark places of her life.

And here are more fun photos








Art At the True Life Fellowship Food Share

So yesterday was our art group at our church’s food share through the Oregon Food Bank. Usually we are there helping distribute the food. This week we were asked to set up our art group. It was a huge success! It took a lot of the pressure out of the room. A lot of kids were really into it helping to entertain them while their parents focused on getting the food.  Here are some pictures.








As you can see we ran out of supplies quickly. Needless to say we made a run to the art store today.


I got to do some art for my parents. They commissioned me over a year ago to make these giant paintings for their living room. God finally inspired me. It’s basically just represents God’s ability to bring joy to their lives. It was also made in the Oregon rain, yes I painted in the rain. It was so awesome. So they will always have God’s love pouring into their home and always have a little piece of Oregon.





Andrew painted this and gave it to a lady. She loved it and already knows where she’s putting it.


Finally he made this one. It shows his love and passion for the lay he gave it to. She left us a note at church this morning too. It really touched our hearts!





So basically Saturday was just amazing! God is good all the time!!!

Here are a bunch more photos:




















Love you all, blessings!

Prophetic Paint Explosion in Apartment 38!


So a friend of mine is moving. She’s always been a fan of the art, well since she knew about it anyway ;). I had the feeling I’d paint for her for months now. Well I finally got the idea from God this week and got it on canvas.


It’s a ripple of all the hearts of loved ones she’s met on her life journey; you can’t see them all cause there are so many. We only see a glimpse in this painting. They are all pointed sideways because they are pointing her toward her next adventures! At first, it’s nothing to really look at. But get it under the right light (metaphor for following the light that is Jesus) and it’s spectacular! It’s a golden shimmer because she’s paving golden streets for herself in heaven!


I also got the inspiration for another painting for a friend of mine at my work bible study. This one is a little more abstract. It shows her character and spirit. It is soft, joyful, sweet, and gorgeous!  He then had me dig out old ribbon from when I did crafts for my wedding. The ribbon was used in my bouquet. Her spirit is carefully wrapped in the golden ribbon because Jesus sees her as His most precious treasure. He will always protect it even though she is very strong on her own. “Don’t mess with this one” He tells me! The white paint and purple paint are on both the ribbon and canvas because they are traits He rubbed of on her as she grew with Him being wrapped up in His love. White is purity and purple is royalty.


My husband made art too!

So when worshiping with Nicole, I was thinking about this past weekend, with it being Easter. And I was thinking about the sacrifice Jesus gave all of us. About the strength and courage it took to offer His life up on our behalf. So this painting is about strength and courage, and that the person the painting is for has that courage, the same it took for Jesus to give up his life. And I want them to never forget that. Even though the enemy is closing in and it seems like there’s nothing but darkness, this person has the ability and tenacity to persevere through it all and come up on top. So don’t turn away due to darkness, you will make it through the trials and the struggle, and God has amazing blessings in store for you.


Lastly  Andrew finished a painting that I have anxiously been waiting to share till it was finished. Weeks later it’s done! This is for our church’s pastor. Unfortunately Andrew is waiting on his interpretation. In the meantime here’s mine :)…
I see the spirit of a man who has fought the good fight for his country and His kingdom. I’m not sure if he ever served in the armed forces but I do know he has severed in spiritual battles and prayer. He is bringing the glory of God here back to this earth and this country.
The orange things look like feathers. I see them as the feathers from the wings of his guardian angel who had been battling beside him taking the hard hits to protect him and glorify God.


And that is it for our night. Phew… we are tired! But we obey, paint and share so God can do His work to spread His ever lasting love!

Anyone can do this by the way. We are an engineer and software developer by trade. This is how we connect to God in our spiritual time. It doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it carries a message from God from a pure heart. He puts all of it up on His fridge!

Night everyone, sweet dreams!