It Started At an Early Age

This weekend we made a trip south to visit my parents and our old church. I decided to get pictures of all the art my sister and I had done that my parents still have on display. They also have tons of stuff in the attic, art, hand made dolls, old class work, etc.

We were doing art/prophetic art for as long as I know. We always knew there was a Jesus but we didn’t grow up going to church. He was always there teaching us before we even knew what it was we were doing! We serve such a loving, constant, beautiful father.

Im so thankful my parents cultivated this in us/saw it in us even though they really don’t do any art themselves. My mom had tried lots of stuff but it never stuck.


I made this.


My sister did this one. I love this one!


My sister painted it but I wrote the poems.


Mine and my sister’s.


Mine and my sister’s.




My sister’s.

I can only feel loved and joyful tonight!

I also made them hats this week (modeled by myself and Andrew) and it only seems appropriate that I also post them 🙂



Love you all! Sweet dreams!

Little Gifts of God

My husband runs the sound board at our church. This means most Sundays I get to go early and listen to worship rehearsal. By the way they are amazing today. They are bringing the spirit!

Most days I crochet. If you saw my last post I’m pretty crocheted out today. So I brought a small pad of art paper and oil pastels. I normally hate using this media but something in me said take it to church.

So this is what I made. Im rather impressed. I could only do this with God. Trust me when I’m not in the spirit pastels look like kids crayon drawings. He guided me through the whole thing from colors to how hard to smear the pastels with my finger.

I’m going to give it to someone He highlights at church once people start getting here. I hope it brings a river of joy and love to its owner.

I love bringing His blessings. These little gifts of God are what I live for ❤



Have a blessed Sunday loved ones! Let Him touch your heart today.

Crafting Fun

Yesterday was a crafting day. I made my new beautiful hat. My husband made me the amazing ear rings. I get to go to church in style! Thank you Papa God for blessing us with our crafting talents. I encourage you all to go explore your talents because it is a lot of fun!


Opal Ring

Moments ago I was yelling “No! NO! I broke it!”…


Last June, my husband, his parents and I went on a trip to Crater Lake. I found a ring with a opal heart stone in it. I wasn’t going to buy it but my husband secretly bought it for me anyway.

Since then, I wear it a like a wedding ring to remind me of love. My love for my husband, his love for me, and most importantly the love of Jesus…


My husband runs in the room asking what it was I broke. I showed him my ring. He says, “oh that is any easy fix, don’t worry I’ll fix it for you.” (I love, love, love this man by the way)…

This reminded me of God’s promise He made me the day I got the ring. I will always be with you. He is always there fixing me, my problems, my family etc.
He even sent us an angel that day (do you see it? Btw we had no idea it was there when we took this)!


Loved ones, know He loves you and promises to never leave you. He is there in the dark and the light. He died for you so you could know real love. He can fix you and you will never be the same! It’s as easy as setting the stone 😉

Love you all, blessings!

Getting Past the Grumpies

My dear loved ones,

This week has frankly been one of those throw your hands up and try not to give up weeks. It’s one of those nagging, pesky, irritating weeks.

I have been fighting every night to get some kind of reasonable sleep. Every day I can’t get it, my spirit is more irritated and grumpy. All my flesh wants to give in and frankly say $&#@ to the world. Just being real my friends. Everyone feels it. But it’s a choice to give in or fight!

In my weakness He is strong. All I could muster up this morning was saying “God, today is your day. Ill do my best but I need you to hold me up! Ill fight it off and not murder my dogs (they decided midnight wrestling in bed was fun) but you have to get me though the day. This is about the same story every day this week actually.

I listen to worship like crazy this week using it to combat the grumpy and angry tiredness I had. It was just enough to keep me professional at work and nice to my husband at home.

Today I forced myself to work bible study, yep we are an engineering company with a bible study, church dinner, and I’m now sitting at the worship service.

I’m at the brink of tiredness but guess what? My soul is softening! It’s called church, people! Fellowship and Jesus! Nothing beats it. Nothing beats love seeping into your soul.

So this whole long testimony is kind of just simple. Seek God even when you are tired, frustrated, and grumpy. The more you have Him the less you hold on to. You might even accidentally smile 😉


All Sons and Daughters – A night of worship

So this is late,  and I apologize,  but I wasn’t sure how to share this amazing night. Still not sure I can put into words the experiences we had.


Two weeks ago,  Nicole and I got to go to Gresham for a concert.  It’s a worship group out of Tennessee called All Sons and Daughters.  They were doing a night of worship and conversation.

There were hundreds of people inside the sanctuary with us, standing room only ,  all eyes on the stage as they played. 


The spirit was absolutely overwhelming in there.  They really knew how to bring the presence of the Lord to everyone. 

Not only was there worship songs ,  but like I said,  there was conversation too. A couple times through the concert,  the pastor from their home church (who was traveling with them) would give a word and share stories from his life. 

One of the times he opened up the front of the stage for people to come and take communion,  dance,  and pray. Nicole turned to me and said she was going no matter what.  But there was no one stepping forward,  and I was hesitant. Finally she said I’m going with or without you.

We were the first ones to step forward,  before hundreds of people,  and pray together and take communion.  I can without a doubt say that God blessed us for being faithful.(more on this in a bit) The overwhelming peace that I felt for being faithful can’t even be described.


After communion,  we went over to one of the prayer books and both did a piece of prophetic art inside. We don’t have pictures of them,  but that’s ok because God has a plan for them.

After all of this, we went into the back of the sanctuary so that Nicole could dance. For those that don’t know,  Nicole loves to worship by dancing.  She even has her own tabret. To me it’s absolutely beautiful and I love the spirit she brings when she dances.

While she was dancing,  I had an overwhelming vision, which upon looking back, I feel was given to me because we were faithful. I saw myself and Nicole at another worship night,  and Nicole was dancing once again.  But on my shoulders,  watching the group playing,  and dancing like Nicole,  was our daughter.  She was looking over at Nicole from time to time,  and moving her arms like Nicole did.

I will say here that Nicole is not pregnant,  in case you were wondering.  But we are talking about starting a family in the near future.

But to both see and feel, clear as day,  your child, and to know that she loves you, and wants to be like you, without reservation,  is something else.  It makes me excited for the future when that vision can become a reality. 

I was completely wrecked by the vision though,  and broke down in tears of joy. Even now, remembering it,  I’m tearing up. I can’t even begin to imagine the insurmountable love a parent has for their child.  But I’m starting to get an idea of it.

It’s hard to say what else happened that night because I was full of joy and prayer and the spirit,  and just worshipped and praised God for the love he has given us.


I do know that after the concert,  the group asked those who wanted to stay,  to come and talk with them and to let them get to know about you.  It was a fun experience and you could sense the anointing that God put on their lives.

Here’s some other photos from the night :







Oregon Symphony – Replay


My wonderful husband and I got to see the Oregon symphony play great video game music. It was wonderful hearing the music and being joyful around so many fellow gamers.
I really loved the God of War and Skyrim songs they did. I even let out a rather embarrassing wow cause they were so good!
What a great way to get people involved with music, culture, and games. Had a blast!





Love you all!

Art through God’s great love

So today at our smaller church service we got out the art supplies. Both went to ladies at our church who felt the great love of God!

This one was done by Andrew. It is a prayer of love that the recipient, as they share their love, will influence and shape those around them. The waves of color are the spirit but can have any real meaning you find in it. The words are Andrews prayer language. It was done with charcoal and pastels.


I drew the piece below with color pencil. God is telling the recipient that their ugly past is dead and not to look at it anymore. Her life now is beautiful. The flowers are works she has already blossomed. The orange ones represent the trinity, always there. There are seeds everywhere representing the works she has yet to do. In Hebrew it says love, daughter, and father.
Her house is apparently painted in the same turquoise color! She can’t wait to frame it on the wall. I feel so honored and blessed


Hope your enjoy and get blessed by our art. If you have input, interpretation, out see something in out pieces please comment.

Love your all ave good night!

So today at our smaller church service we got out the art supplies. Both went to ladies at our church who felt the great love of God!

This one was done by Andrew. It is a prayer of love that the recipient, as they share their love, will influence and shape those around them. The waves of color are the spirit but can have any real meaning you find in it. The words are Andrews prayer language. It was done with charcoal and pastels.


I drew the piece below with color pencil. God is telling the recipient that their ugly past is dead and not to look at it anymore. Her life now is beautiful. The flowers are works she has already blossomed. The orange ones represent the trinity, always there. There are seeds everywhere representing the works she has yet to do. In Hebrew it says love, daughter, and father.
Her house is apparently painted in the same turquoise color! She can’t wait to frame it on the wall. I feel so honored and blessed ❤


Hope your enjoy and get blessed by our art. If you have input, interpretation, out see something in out pieces please comment.

Love your all ave good night!

Bits of Heaven


My newest prophetic art piece.  This was done last month,  but I forgot to get a picture of it till now.  Thankfully it was for a member of my church, so I was able to receive a photo after I gave it away.

God is anointing people,  and where they go, so too do angels follow. And when they leave, pieces of Heaven fall and stay behind,  blessing everyone and making things all the better because of their passing. 

Live the life God is putting in front of you, and watch how you transform lives just by you being you.

Blessings in your days.