So today at our smaller church service we got out the art supplies. Both went to ladies at our church who felt the great love of God!

This one was done by Andrew. It is a prayer of love that the recipient, as they share their love, will influence and shape those around them. The waves of color are the spirit but can have any real meaning you find in it. The words are Andrews prayer language. It was done with charcoal and pastels.


I drew the piece below with color pencil. God is telling the recipient that their ugly past is dead and not to look at it anymore. Her life now is beautiful. The flowers are works she has already blossomed. The orange ones represent the trinity, always there. There are seeds everywhere representing the works she has yet to do. In Hebrew it says love, daughter, and father.
Her house is apparently painted in the same turquoise color! She can’t wait to frame it on the wall. I feel so honored and blessed ❤


Hope your enjoy and get blessed by our art. If you have input, interpretation, out see something in out pieces please comment.

Love your all ave good night!

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